Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Santa for Super Kids

This event is scheduled before the holiday rush, so that families can enjoy Santa and Mrs. Clause indoors, free of charge, in a small group, while avoiding viruses as much as possible. Looking forward to seeing you there!

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Trick-or-Treat and Expert Asthma Tips

Come enjoy a 10 minute expert talk on avoiding asthma during the holidays, followed by
Trick-or-Treating booths! Costumes encouraged. Non-food items provided for children who cannot eat, have food allergies, or are on a special diet.

Thursday, September 6, 2018

2018 Super Kids Conference

Register Here

Come enjoy this fabulous parent retreat while children attend the Super Kids Class.
Booths, mini massages, and refreshments provided.
McKay Dee Hospital. 4401 Harrison Blvd., Ogden, UT. South Entrance.


Mindfulness Activites, Dr. Trisha Rafferty
Laughing Therapy, Dr. Alexandra Barrera
Keynote: How Do I Get My Kid to Listen?, Angela Jackson

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Fun Summer Therapy Ideas to Do at Home or in the Community

Primary Children’s Pediatric Rehabilitation

Summer Therapy Ideas

Occupational Therapy Sensory ideas:

·         Gardening (Messy play with dirt, digging and watering plants for heavy work)

·         Running through sprinklers

·         Playing catch with sponges and blowing bubbles

·         Climbing on playgrounds for heavy work

·         Swimming

Occupational Therapy Fine Motor:

·         Legos, sticker activities, playing with coins/marbles/cheerios

·         Squirt guns

·         Drawing with chalk

·         Playdough with cookie cutters

·         Cooking with parent

Physical Therapy Strengthening

·         Riding bikes or scooters

·         Playing sports with a parent or friends

·         Hitting a balloon or beach ball in the air

·         Hiking or going for a walk in the neighborhood

Speech Language Pathology Language Development

·         Reading stories together or while child plays quietly

·         Making up stories together

·         Bath time talk (body part identification, descriptive words, action words)

·         Teaching names of objects around you at the grocery store

·         Teaching opposites at the park or zoo

·         Taking turns naming and sorting items (colors, size, shapes)


Have your child evaluated by a licensed therapist for ideas tailored specific to your child’s need.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Social Skills and Sensory Friendly Events Summer 2018

Many children with autism or sensory processing disorder need sensory friendly environments and social skills opportunities as they participate in summer activities. A new Northern Utah treasure has popped up - The Local-Social. Here are some great opportunities along the Wasatch Front!

The Local-Social

AMC Sensory Friendly Films

Centerpoint Theater Sensory Friendly Film

Jedi Training to Live Well

Super Kids had an amazing time getting healthy eating tips and attending a "Jedi Training," battling it out with Star Wars villains on May 14th, 2018. Dr. Rafferty of Northern Utah Pediatrics shared her expertise in making nutrition fun and accessible. She recommends four steps to change up your nutrition:
  1. Try no meat for a day. Increase veggies!
  2. Try a new recipe each week.
  3. Plant a garden together. Children are more likely to eat what they plant!
  4. Let your kids help plan the menu.
Star Wars characters from Alpine Garrison showed children with special needs a great time as they interacted, gave high fives, and posed for photos. Super Kids lit up as Chandler Copenhaver of Kai Shi, Ogden showed them how to defeat a villain.

THANK YOU to Our Community Partners:
Northern Utah Pediatrics for hosting the event
Alpine Garrison
Kai Shi, Ogden - martial arts and character building

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Live Well - May the Force Be with You

FREE for the whole family and every ability level! Enjoy healthy tips, Adaptive Jedi Training, photo ops with Star Wars characters, and Star Wars snacks.