Wednesday, October 8 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Vista Education Center, Rooms 1525 & 1535
97 South 200 East, Farmington, 84025
Online Registration: 1uXbYYS
From NO Where to KNOW Where: Transition to Adult Life
as well.
Tuesday, October 14 6:30-8:30 PM
Vista Education Center, Rooms 1525 & 1535
97 South 200 East, Farmington, 84025
Online Registration: 1qPd3xM
Plan for the Future: Employment and Higher Education
How can vocational rehabilitation be a partner in your child's IEP or Section 504 process? Does your young adult have a plan for
the future? How can your young adult prepare for employment, training and attending college? This workshop helps families to: look at how vocational rehabilitation can be involved in the students current IEP as you plan for the future and employment goals; Better understand vocational rehabilitation programs and services; Better understand services for students with disabilities in higher education.
Wednesday, October 22 6:30-8:30 PM
Vista Education Center, Rooms 1525 & 1535
97 South 200 East, Farmington, 84025
Online Registration:
Pro Se Guardianship Training
In a guardianship proceeding family petitioners can save money by choosing to represent themselves in the court process. This is called Pro Se Representation. Guardianship Associates of Utah has over 12 years of experience teaching families how to represent themselves and is offering a free Pro Se training class for families who would like to act Pro Se as they seek guardianship of a family member. Families will be given all required court documents on a CD. During the training, families will be taught how to fill out these documents correctly. Families will learn how to file the documents with the court and how to represent themselves at the hearing. The CD will also contain detailed written instructions. This class takes two hours. It is recommended that you attend Basics of Guardianship before attending this class.
Wednesday, October 29 6:30-8:30 PM
Vista Education Center, Rooms 1525 & 1535
97 South 200 East, Farmington, 84025
Online Registration:
Parents as Partners in the IEP Process
Parents are important members of the IEP team. They can and want to be effective partners with other members of the team in developing and delivering special education programs for their student with disabilities. However, they often lack information. This workshop will help parents understand their role, rights and responsibilities in the IEP process. Parents will also learn how to effectively prepare for, participate in and follow-up on IEP meetings held on behalf of their student.
Wednesday, November 5 6:30-8:30 PM
Vista Education Center, Rooms 1525 & 1535
97 South 200 East, Farmington, 84025
Online Registration:
What's out there and how can it help?
What apps work?
What apps work?
Guest Presenter: Erek Engar: Davis District Specialist
Thursday, November 6 6:30-8:30 PM
Vista Education Center, Rooms 1525 & 1535
97 South 200 East, Farmington, 84025
Online Registration:
October 15th 7:15pm
Surviving the Holidays
by Utah Easy to Love
The holidays can be one of the most stressful times of the year for families raising
children with special needs. Join us to share ideas & suggestions so you can
survive and still have fun!
Davis County
1246 Flint Meadows #102
1246 Flint Meadows #102