Thursday, July 19, 2018

Fun Summer Therapy Ideas to Do at Home or in the Community

Primary Children’s Pediatric Rehabilitation

Summer Therapy Ideas

Occupational Therapy Sensory ideas:

·         Gardening (Messy play with dirt, digging and watering plants for heavy work)

·         Running through sprinklers

·         Playing catch with sponges and blowing bubbles

·         Climbing on playgrounds for heavy work

·         Swimming

Occupational Therapy Fine Motor:

·         Legos, sticker activities, playing with coins/marbles/cheerios

·         Squirt guns

·         Drawing with chalk

·         Playdough with cookie cutters

·         Cooking with parent

Physical Therapy Strengthening

·         Riding bikes or scooters

·         Playing sports with a parent or friends

·         Hitting a balloon or beach ball in the air

·         Hiking or going for a walk in the neighborhood

Speech Language Pathology Language Development

·         Reading stories together or while child plays quietly

·         Making up stories together

·         Bath time talk (body part identification, descriptive words, action words)

·         Teaching names of objects around you at the grocery store

·         Teaching opposites at the park or zoo

·         Taking turns naming and sorting items (colors, size, shapes)


Have your child evaluated by a licensed therapist for ideas tailored specific to your child’s need.