Friday, December 30, 2011

Families of Super Kids
New Year Social

Saturday, January 14
10-11 a.m.
McKay Dee Hospital, Educations Rooms 3 & 4
(by the cafeteria)

Potluck * Bring your favorite treat to share!

For families of special needs children in Northern Utah.

Upcoming Free Concert for Children and Families with Disabilities

The Utah Symphony | Utah Opera offers an annual concert for children with special needs and their families. This concert is FREE but registration is required. The concert will take place on Thursday, January 26, 2012 beginning at 7pm at the Capitol Theater .

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Medical Homes Provide the Best Care

If you have a child with special needs, a Medical Home will provide the most complete, professional and wholesome care. Coming from the experience of needing to take a child with multiple disabilities to several specialists, I have breathed a sigh of relief upon finding Northern Utah Pediatrics. Here, my child has a nurse case manager who keeps current and detailed information about my child's health all in one place. Every doctor, phone number and medication is listed. If I have not personally ensured that the list is current, I receive a phone call asking how things are going and if anything has changed.

In addition to amazing management of my child's health history, we have one of the best physician teams in the state. They are knowledgeable and thorough. My child's doctor is a great communicator, not only with myself as a parent, but with specialists at Primary Children's Medical Center.

With the aid of "My Health," a new online tool which enables families to instantly view medical records and doctor's notes, the health care process is sped up. Efficiency increases and frustration decreases. I find that I do not need to repeat myself. Where prior to "My Health," I may have had to leave messages with multiple doctors over days at a time, now, I can leave one message with the Pediatrician who then opens a dialogue with specialists through "message logging." This saves the physicians time as well. They are able to quickly respond to an inquiry between appointments or at the end of their day. Every message log is recorded into that child's history, which is an amazing resource for everyone involved in a child's health.

If you don't have a Medical Home, such as Northern Utah Pediatrics, consider the benefits you may gain if you choose to switch primary care physicians. There are several in the area. In Northern Utah, there are IHC clinics in North Ogden, the clinic at McKay Dee Hospital and the clinic in Layton on the east side of the freeway. Also in Ogden is the Midtown Community Health Center. I know my child is in good hands, knowledgeable hands, and efficient hands.

Families with Autism: FREE Night at the Living Planet Aquarium

The Living Planet Aquarium: FREE Night for Families with Autism

October 24th, 6 - 8 p.m.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Feeding the Starved Marriage

Family Links, the Utah Parent Center and the Townsend Relationship Center
are pleased to announce a wonderful opportunity for your marriage!
Feeding the STARVED Marriage
6-week workshop taught by Matt Townsend

Take advantage of this one-time only offer and help Matt Townsend complete his research for this Doctoral Dissertation. The Feeding the STARVED Marriage workshop teaches couples to communicate effectively, get to the heart of important issues, and learn to meet each other's needs. This motivating workshop will help you build, strengthen and re-energize your marriage.
Each Couple will receive:
  • Two 100 page Feed the STARVED Marriage participant workbooks.
  • One copy of Matt Townsend's 400 page book "STARVED Stuff: Feeding the 7 Basic Needs of Healthy Relationships.
  • 12 hours of classroom instruction by Matt Townsend.,
  • Upon completion of all six classes and questionnaires, each couple will receive a $20 gift card for your participation in the program.
Requirements to attend:
  • Each couple must commit to attend all six sessions in order to ensure that your data is valid for the study. There will be no make up classes held.
  • You will need to complete questionnaires at both the beginning and the end of the program.
  • You will need to do your best to read the associated book and workbooks.
Upon registration you receive an evaluation form via email that you must fill out and return to the Townsend Relationship Center in order for your registration to be complete. On the final day of class, each individual will need to fill out a questionnaire, requiring you to stay an extra 30 minutes.
  • Cost: $50 per couple (Regular Price $480)
  • Time: Tuesdays from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m.
  • Dates: October 11, 18, 25 and November 1, 8 ,15
  • Location: Sanderson Center, 5709 South 1500 West, Taylorsville, Utah
Click the link below, scroll to the bottom and register for the Family Links Workshop:
For questions contact Tammy 801.747.2121 or


Saturday, November 5, 2011
10 am to 2 pm
Primary Children’s Medical Center
3rd Floor, North End
Join us for Connect, a workshop for kids and teens 7 to 19 who have a chronic illness. In this workshop you can express yourself, connect with others and learn life skills.
Early Bird Registration is $5.00 (before 10/10/11).
Regular Registration is $10.
Registration closes 10/31/11.
No onsite medical assistance is provided. Kids and Teens must be able to take care of their own personal needs and be on grade level.
Parents will need to sign-in their children and return for pick-up promptly at 2pm.


Saturday, October 15, 2011
10 am to 2 pm
Primary Children’s Medical Center

3rd Floor, North End

Join us for SIBS Day—a workshop for brothers and sisters ages 5 to 17 who have a sibling with a chronic medical condition or disability. This workshop provides a place where children can express themselves, learn from others and explore new ways to cope.

Early Bird Tuition is $5 (before 09/30/11).

Regular Tuition is $10.
Registration closes 10/10/11.

Space is limited and pre-registration is required.

Pediatric Neurology Parent Education Night: Seizures

Friday, September 30th at 6 p.m. 
Primary Children’s Medical Center Auditorium – 3rd Floor
Parents are invited to participate in a question-and-answer format presentation about seizures. Topics may include diagnosis, disorders, prevalence, medication and others. This is a chance to ask any questions you may have and to meet other parents who have children with seizures.
Discussions lead by a panel of experts:
*Helen Barkan, MD, PhD
*Lynne Kerr, MD, PhD
*Francis Filloux, MD
*Paula Peterson, APRN, PNP
*Parent Advocate Marin Bywater, LCSW
Sponsored by the University of Utah Pediatric Neurology Division and the Medical Home Demonstration Project as part of a quarterly education night series.

Monday, June 27, 2011

First Support Group Meeting a Big Success

We held the first quarterly parent support group for Families of Super Kids a couple of weeks ago. We had a good turnout and some great discussion. We missed those of you who wanted to attend,but were unable to do so and hope to see you next time. If you were unable to attend the first parent meeting and would like to stay informed and connected, please email with your contact information. We would love to include you in our new parent contact list.

Topics discussed at the meeting included tips on assembling a binder or organization system for your child with special needs, summer programs in Northern Utah and year-round programs. We are very excited to share ideas and resources that our families can access in Northern Utah. Binder tips are available on the Northern Utah Pediatrics website included in the helpful links page of this blog. Summer and year-round programs are listed as individual tabs on the blog. These programs cater to special needs children and are tailored to many different learning/developmental levels. Some include dance, space camp and horseback riding.

If you know of more resources for our kids and families, let everyone know!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

The Autism Council of Utah, Autism Speaks, Utah State Office of Education,
Utah Parent Center, and Family Links
Dr. Peter Gerhardt

Adolescents and Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder -- transition, education employment, residential, and community

Saturday, August 6, 2011
9:00 AM to 3:00 PM - Lunch Provided
Registration starts at 8:30 AM
Red Lion Hotel
-Salt Lake Downtown
161 West 600 South, Salt Lake City
$20/person or $30/couple
Seating is Limited - Register at:

Dr. Peter Gerhardt is the Director of Education - Upper School for the McCarton School

in New York City. Dr. Gerhardt has over 30 years experience utilizing the principles of

Applied Behavior Analysis in support of adolescents and adults with ASD in

educational, employment, residential, and community-based settings. He is the author

or co-author of articles and book chapters on the needs of adolescents and adults with

autism spectrum disorder and he has presented nationally and internationally on this

topic. In addition, Dr. Gerhardt serves as Chairman of the Scientific Council for the

Organization for Autism Research, on the Editorial Board of Behavior Analysis in

Practice, and on numerous professional advisory boards including the Autism Society

of America. Dr. Gerhardt received his doctorate from the Rutgers, the State University

of New Jersey Graduate School of Education.

Dr. Gerhardt's research interests include issues related to intensity of behavior analytic

instruction with adolescents and adults; community integration and employment,

development of adaptive behavior competencies, positive behavior supports with

complex individuals; and the use of technology to support community safety and

"I attended a presentation by Dr. Gerhardt and LOVED it! I made it my mission to get him back for the parents, teachers and providers to hear. His information is insightful and helpful, lots of 'take home' information, and he's fun to listen to as well. He talks about teen/adult issues with autism that no one else does."

Cheryl Smith, President ACU

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Parent and Family Partner Mailbox is Working

A postcard was recently sent to all families at the clinic who have children with special needs. There is a phone number for the Family Partners: Jeanette Pascoe and Shawn Cooper. Currently, there is no greeting, but you can leave a message and the Family Partners will return your call. We hope this will be a great way for you to connect with other parents who are going through similar things as you and find the resources you need. More information on Family/Parent Partners is on the Family Partner tab on the main page of this blog.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

1st Family Support Group Meeting

Saturday, June 11 @ 10-11 a.m.
McKay Dee Hospital, Education Rooms 3 & 4 by the cafeteria
Come meet other families with special needs children and bring a binder to organize your child's information. We will be talking about the medical home we all share and some great summer ideas. We hope to see you there!
~Light breakfast served~

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Utah’s 16th Annual Statewide Conference for Families with Special Needs

For parents of children and adults with disabilities and special needs.
Featuring sessions on Saturday for youth and adults with disabilities.

Friday and Saturday, March 25-26, 2011
Murray High School; 5440 South State Street
This conference will also feature: Breakout Sessions, Round Robin Table Discussions, Awards, Prize Drawings, an Exhibitor Fair and much, MUCH more!

Amazing sessions addressing a large scope of needs