If you have a child with special needs, a Medical Home will provide the most complete, professional and wholesome care. Coming from the experience of needing to take a child with multiple disabilities to several specialists, I have breathed a sigh of relief upon finding Northern Utah Pediatrics. Here, my child has a nurse case manager who keeps current and detailed information about my child's health all in one place. Every doctor, phone number and medication is listed. If I have not personally ensured that the list is current, I receive a phone call asking how things are going and if anything has changed.
In addition to amazing management of my child's health history, we have one of the best physician teams in the state. They are knowledgeable and thorough. My child's doctor is a great communicator, not only with myself as a parent, but with specialists at Primary Children's Medical Center.
With the aid of "My Health," a new online tool which enables families to instantly view medical records and doctor's notes, the health care process is sped up. Efficiency increases and frustration decreases. I find that I do not need to repeat myself. Where prior to "My Health," I may have had to leave messages with multiple doctors over days at a time, now, I can leave one message with the Pediatrician who then opens a dialogue with specialists through "message logging." This saves the physicians time as well. They are able to quickly respond to an inquiry between appointments or at the end of their day. Every message log is recorded into that child's history, which is an amazing resource for everyone involved in a child's health.
If you don't have a Medical Home, such as Northern Utah Pediatrics, consider the benefits you may gain if you choose to switch primary care physicians. There are several in the area. In Northern Utah, there are IHC clinics in North Ogden, the clinic at McKay Dee Hospital and the clinic in Layton on the east side of the freeway. Also in Ogden is the Midtown Community Health Center. I know my child is in good hands, knowledgeable hands, and efficient hands.