Wednesday, August 23, 2017

2017 Special Needs Support Conference

Our annual conference is Saturday, September 23, 2017. This year's theme is "Communication is My Super Power" and the entire family is invited to attend. The Super Sib Shop will be held again for siblings of children with special needs ages 7-12 with super fun activities provided by Allies with Families and Kai Shi of Ogden. We will also have an Amazing Kid's Class for children with special needs ages 0-18 as well as young siblings ages 0-6. Space is limited, so register today! We have some wonderful presenters coming, including Dr. Barhorst's sister, Annette Stanislav, a Speech Language Pathologist and Dyslexia expert from Texas. Come enjoy booths, great presenters, and meeting other super families. A light morning snack will be provided. Feel free to share with friends and family. This event is sure to please!